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Dental Compressors

Model 5L Biotron - AD5LB
Model 12L Biotron - AD12LB
Model 21L Biotron - A21LB
Features and Advantages:
External coating entirely in powder coated metallic material, eliminating any risk of oxidation and highly resistant to temperature variation;
Stainless steel sterilization chamber highly resistant to temperature, pressure and oxidation;
Self-managed microprocessor controller, ensuring perfect operation during the cycle;
Door with sensors that start the cycle only with the door fully locked;
Safety valve against excessive pressure;
Safety thermostat that shuts down the autoclave if it overheats;
Digital manometer.
Technical specifications
Attention: only autoclave instruments, with the inscription "autoclavable" in their instruction manual.
Accessories and Parts that come with the product:
Accessories and Parts that come with the Autoclave:
Support (1 support is provided for each Autoclave model);
Trays (2 trays are provided for all models - except the 5 liter model, which comes with only 1 tray);
Dosing Cup;
Energy cable;
Nylon clamp;
Optional (Support with 3 trays for autoclaves with a capacity of over 12 liters).