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Take your doubts! 

Question 01.

How does the camera lighting system work?

The lighting system is a technology developed and patented by Biotron to facilitate viewing and handling inside dental radiographic imaging chambers. Possessing a specific wavelength is imperceptible to film or chemicals, however, it emits a "red light" that makes it possible to follow the entire process.


Question 02.

What are the features and benefits of the chamber lighting system?

1. High gloss

  • Homogeneous luminosity inside the dental radiography developing chamber.

2. Safety of use

  • No risk of overheating or electric shock.

  • It does not damage the radiograph or influence its development.

  • No risk to users.

3. Ease of use

  • Allows visualization inside the dental radiographic revealing chamber.

  •  No need to change bulbs.

  • It makes it possible to monitor the development  the development, preventing damage to the films due to too much or too little exposure to chemicals.

  • High durability and easy cleaning.

4. Comfort in use

  • Enables viewing inside the darkroom, controlling hand movements.

  •   Allows you to visibly follow the development of the radiograph.

5. Economy

  • It does not use electrical energy.

  • Long battery life.

  • Low investment.

  • Efficiency and practicality in the development of radiographs.

  •  Easy development quality control avoiding film loss.

6. Cost Reduction

  • Allows you to visibly control the quality of the development, preventing radiographs from being too dark or light

Question 03.

Why are BIOTRON products patented?

As we work with research and technological development, the patenting process guarantees the uniqueness of the product in the market. As we develop the product we know the importance of each part as well as its application as a whole and also the handling of the inherent technology. Unfortunately, when such a product is copied by companies that do not master this knowledge, it may damage other products, processes, products or cause harm to their users. 
Thus, the patent for Biotron is also a guarantee of good service to customers and users. We recommend that you do not accept “copied” or counterfeit products. Because they don't have the necessary quality, they will certainly bring you problems. 
Biotron products are patented due to their high level of innovation. The patent is also intended to protect the innovations developed by the company.

Question 04.

How do I buy BIOTRON products?

To purchase a Biotron product, please send an email to  or contact us by phone (35) 3471-7800. In this opportunity we will forward you to a nearest reseller or if you are a reseller we can check the feasibility of becoming partners.

Question 05.

Why are BIOTRON chamber cups different?

The cup is yet another advantage that Biotron offers users of its radiographic development chambers. It is justified by:

1. The current shape of the cups with a narrower base than those currently available on the market allows savings of up to 60% in the reduction of developing chemicals. 

2. Their level marking defines the ideal amount of chemical to be used for few developments, avoiding waste. If you are going to do multiple revelations, just use the same cup on the next level. 

3. They fit perfectly in the base of the chambers, avoiding accidents.

4. Made of PS (polystyrene) resistant material and easy to replace.

5. Its transparency guarantees hygiene and does not contaminate chemicals.

6.  Mainly: And the cup model suggested by ANVISA for use in these camera models.

Question 06.

What is a NEGATOsoft?

It is a software developed by BIOTRON that allows the visualization of radiographs on any computer or notebook. It allows for economy, beauty, practicality in addition to being able to serve you wherever and whenever you need it. Super light and easy to install, it allows you to use your computer normally while viewing your radiographs. Just minimize the NEGATOSoft window.  Meet NEGATOsoft.

Question 07.

Are Biotron products registered with ANVISA?

As presented in  Principles and Values . Biotron respects the policies and procedures defined by the company and regulated by law and society, works with honesty, professionalism and transparency. 
It has great responsibility with its products and works strictly ethically, respecting all legal precepts. 
According to a  RDC 260 from ANVISA   the current products marketed by Biotron because they do not interact with Human Beings are not considered health products in terms of registration, which exempts them from even before this body.
Products that require registration or registration with ANVISA are already registered, just waiting for the completion of the process to start marketing.

Question 08.

I want to work at Biotron, how do I do that?

Biotron is always open to new talent, so it will be a pleasure to have you with us.
I sent your resume to , as soon as we have an opportunity where your profile fits, we will contact you.

Question 09.

I want to be a BIOTRON representative/reseller, what do I do?

Contact us at the e-mail  or fill out the registration form at  Become a distributor.

Question 10.

Why does the NEGATOslim have radiography fixation by magnet?

Because in addition to a modern look, the magnet gives the product practicality and ease of handling. It is much prettier than the old “badge alligators” that easily came off the lightboxes and made it impossible to use. 
With the magnet, you have the flexibility to use it in several places on the top of the device.

Question 11.

Why don't BIOTRON's negatoscopes have a fixed magnifying glass on the product?

In the research, it was identified that the use of the magnifying glass is made by a small portion of the users and even so occasionally. In the vast majority of cases, the magnifying glass is just an extra cost item that those who don't need it are obliged to have it, or in some cases it even compromises the use of the negatoscope.
Other models, including international ones, have completely abolished the use of fixed magnifying glasses on the negatoscope. For those who need the magnifying glass, you can buy it at any store, which will certainly cost less than if it was fixed to the product and purchased together.


Question 12.

How does Biotron dental compressor technical assistance work?

 To request technical assistance for compressors, it is necessary to contact Biotron by phone (35) 3473-7000 or by e-mail: so that the request can be forwarded to companies or outsourced technicians in each region.

Question 13.

How does technical assistance work?

Biotron chose to have its own technical assistance direct from the Factory in order to guarantee excellence in the services provided as well as to receive market feedback and opportunities for improvement in its products. 
For assistance, you can send an email to  or contact us by phone (35) 3473-7000._cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
When contacting us, the problem will be verified and, if necessary, we will request the shipment of the product, the freight for sending the product is at the customer's expense. (additional information is in the purchased product manual)

Information valid for the entire Biotron product line, except compressors and autoclaves.

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